Taiwan Vibin'

Perosnal Project
Poster Design

It’s funny how we can get so used to the daily grind that we stop noticing the beauty right in front of us. After living in the U.S. for ten years, I came back to Taiwan and realized that the things I used to find boring or unremarkable suddenly felt unique and special.

Maybe it’s the time I’ve spent away, but each time I return, I feel like I’m seeing my hometown through the eyes of a tourist. It’s made me appreciate Taiwan in ways I never did before. For example, the street signs that locals often complain about now feel like a key part of the landscape, and the loud, gritty “Taike (台客)” techno music that used to seem obnoxious now has this raw, bold energy that stands out.

This shift in perspective led me to start this ongoing poster design project. It’s a way for me to celebrate Taiwan’s culture after dealing with reverse culture shock. I’m using contemporary design to put a fresh spin on traditional Taiwanese aesthetics, sharing what makes Taiwan so special with the world.

01-Taiwan EDM
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02-Retro Piggy Bank
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03-Rice Cooker
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04-Hiring Board
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05-Street Food Plate Pattern
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06-Taiwan National Day
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07-Taiwan Beer
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08-Ad Stickers
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to be continued...


